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Tall Corn Books

webPondBallClintockFrontCoverHomer Croy Corn Country Zachary Jack edtior Ice Cube Press

The latest Tall Corn Book will be Pond Ball Clintock and the Gods of Golf. Coming during golfing season to a golf course near you.

In 2009 Ice Cube Books, launched our nationally distributed Tall Corn Books imprint with the release of Zachary Michael Jack’s critically acclaimed anthology “Iowa: The Definitive Collection.” What makes a book worthy of the Tall Corn label? A scholarly or creative focus on the culture of Iowa, the Tall Corn State, and surrounding corn country; proven authors who celebrate the unique cultures and contributions of the Corn Belt and it’s folklore, culture and history. Whether fiction or nonfiction, Tall Corn Books deal with real places and people of the land where corn is king.Tall Corn Books have earned rave reviews in such places as the Des Moines Register, the Cedar Rapids Gazette, the Iowa City Press-Citizen, the Daily Iowan, the Iowa Source, The Iowan, the Annals of Iowa, and been featured on Iowa Public Radio and Radio Iowa. Beyond Iowa’s borders, Tall Corn Books have earned glowing reviews from Michigan’s nationally distributed publication, Foreword Magazine and Wisconsin’s Midwest Book Review. Tall Corn Books have also turned heads at the Midwest Booksellers Association and Great Lakes Bookseller Association trade shows. In addition to all this, Missouri’s Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Rhodes and Southwest Missouri State University’s C.D. Albin have endorsed the books.