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House of Moffitt

Wonderful piece in the Iowa City Press-Citizen

Nice article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette

“The author’s observations and comments range from descriptive to reflective, humorous to poignant interweaving the observations of a five-year-old boy with his mother at the 1939 New York World’s Fair with an adult’s perspective on The Great Depression and World War II. Together, this mosaic provides a rich, coherent picture of the life of this accomplished man, alone worth reading for the insight and joy it provides about him…DeGowin’s significant contribution to the history and literature regarding a rather remarkable mid-Twentieth-Century home building effort. The Moffitt houses involved the unique design, materials, building techniques, motives, economics, business acumen, impact on a community, and politics of a man named Howard Moffitt. Moffitt was, among other things, willing to rent homes at reasonable rates in Iowa City, Iowa, what today we might call affordable housing. For anyone interested in the history, impact, occupants (including the DeGowin family), and other persons involved with Moffitt houses, this book is destined to become the go-to first source they should consult.”–Nicholas Johnson, JD, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Iowa, College of Law

Richard L. DeGowin, MD, FACP, Professor Emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, The University of Iowa, lives in Iowa City with his wife, Karen. He graduated from University of Iowa High School and attended The University of Michigan to complete his premedical studies. He received his MD and residency training at The University of Chicago.

After discharge from two years active duty in the US Army Medical Corps, he accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Medicine and Project Supervisor, Argonne Cancer Research Hospital of The University of Chicago. He returned to Iowa City as Associate Professor of Medicine, Section of Hematology with a joint appointment in the Radiation Research Laboratory and as Attending Physician at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and at The Veterans Administration Hospital. He was the Founding Director of The University of Iowa Cancer Center. He served as coauthor with his father for the first four editions of DeGowin s Diagnostic Examination, and for the five subsequent editions after his father died in 1980. Now in its tenth edition, it has been in print for 50 years, with translations into German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, and Chinese. He received the Laureate Award from the Iowa Chapter of the American College of Physicians, and while attending his 50th Year Medical School Reunion, he received The Distinguished Service Award of The University of Chicago.