“In Dodge & Scramble Morgan Grayce Willow becomes the poet-cantor of the prairie. Through the music and poetry in “Sorghum and sugar beets./ Northrup King. DeKalb./ Archer Daniels Midland” she examines memory, place, and time set on the prairie, the essence of infinity. Willow intones, “…wither us backwards into time” and “…place/that remembers itself as marshland/and longs to return.” Using myth, history, ecology, nails, sows, and winches she makes of splendid meditations and narratives a desire that is like “…some trick of magic,/of dream or good sense, that can shape/the wilderness inside us into a better garden/than the one we’ve so longed to reenter.”—Sharon Chmielarz, Love from the Yellowstone Trail
Morgan Grayce Willow published her first chapbook, Spinnerets, in 1987. In 2005, Finishing Line Press selected Arpeggio of Appetite for its New Women’s Voices Series. In between, Morgan’s poetry and prose have appeared in a wide variety of journals such as Third Coast, The Barefoot Muse, Out of Line, 100 Words, the Bloomsbury Review, and Negative Capability. Her work has also been featured in a number of artistic collaborations, including handmade art books, broadsides, and a poetry/dance video project.
A former sign language interpreter, Morgan conducted an ASL/English Poetry Translation Project funded by the Witter Bynner Foundation and published Crossing That Bridge, a guide for making literary events accessible to deaf audiences.
Her books include the poetry collection Between (Nodin Press, 2009), The Maps are Words, a letterpress chapbook (Red Dragonfly Press, 2009), and the poetic series Silk: Meditations on T’ai-Chi Ch’uan,(Shu Kuang Press, 2009).
Morgan’s awards include a Loft-McKnight Award for poetry, Minnesota State Arts Board fellowships in both poetry and prose, and a SASE-Jerome Fellowship. Morgan holds an M.A. in English/Creative Writing from Colorado State University and teaches at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, as well as The Loft Literary Center.