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In our seasons of darkness, when snow lays deep upon the land and winds blow cold, winterberries are a gift of hope. Coated in heavy ice, the bright red orbs shine as sparkling memories on the bare  twisted stalk of age. These poems are reflections on the season and on life. They remind us to have faith, that the light is not gone; it lies within us.

Poet Melinda Morris Perrin examines the interconnected web of life and spotlights all aspects of human relationships: the good, the bad, and the funny. She lives along the Mohawk River and draws inspiration from the land and its history and from the people in her life. Winterberries: Poems of Hope,is  her third volume of poetry Earlier books are Prairie Smoke: Writings from the Heartland and Goldenrods: Love Poems for the Old & Foolish. Melinda’s poems can also be found in various anthologies by Skinner House Books, Boston and Berkley Books, New York.